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Page 3

  She could feel Tobias looking too. He stopped kissing her and his body shifted, and then she suspected the pair of them were just staring right at her embarrassingly slick and completely bare pussy as though it held the mysteries of the Incas.

  “Spread your legs, baby,” Sebastian said, which definitely kicked her heart into high gear, and not just because of the order behind it.

  He’d called her something other than Bobs or Bobbi or Roberta. He’d called her the kind of thing you called your girlfriend, and he said it as he laid his hands over her thighs, face so close to her slippery cunt that she could feel his hot breath against her.

  She didn’t even realize she’d started shaking until Tobias put a hand on her shoulder, mouth close to her ear, and asked her if she was okay, if it was okay, that they could stop if she wanted them to. Just like all of those other times when they’d seemed so sensitive to her comfort, always trying not to crowd her or crowding her more when other people bothered her. Hands always ready to touch her shoulder and let her know they were there.

  It made her want to put a hand out and let him know she was there, but all such a move achieved was a sudden fistful of his hair and his mouth back on hers, more restrained than his brother’s but still hot and greedy.

  In fact, after a while he grew so hot and greedy that he didn’t seem to mind wandering down to her breasts, hands full first and then his mouth to follow—and all with the knowledge of Sebastian between her thighs, looking and looking and yet not really doing anything, not yet.

  Her mind flashed with arousal—spiking images of all the things he could be doing. Getting a condom, maybe? Taking the rest of his clothes off? She could tell Tobe still had his sweats on because they rubbed against her arm or her side, sporadically, but for all she knew Sebastian had long since divested himself of that item of clothing.

  For all she knew he was getting ready to fuck right then and there, and God the thought was blackly exciting. It made her think of a hundred different perverse and bizarre things like, Is this what they wanted? To watch each other fuck me, like a mirror of themselves only not? Have they talked about this, have they done stuff like this before, have they jerked off together and watched, to see just how their own faces look when they come?

  It made her sweat and blush to think about it, but it couldn’t be helped. And besides, the blindfold hid most of what she was going through. They wouldn’t have to know, and even if they did know and those thoughts were exactly what they’d intended, there were worse things. They could have both turned out to be uncaring, unfeeling jerks. They could have pinned her down on the floor and taken turns.

  Though now that she knew they weren’t those sorts of guys at all, the idea wasn’t as mean as it sounded. In fact, it didn’t feel mean at all as it journeyed its way through her brain and down, down, past the nipples that Tobias had decided to lick to the humming center of her sex.

  She started rocking against the bed before she’d even meant to. Words welled up inside her—ones she never thought she’d speak to them. Words like come on, come on, please, just fuck me. Fuck my pussy, just do it, come on.

  But then she could feel Sebastian’s hot breath on her sex, again, and her brain had to focus on breathing instead of filthy begging. She froze in position, knowing exactly what he was going to do. He had his hand right on the top of her thigh now, right in that rude place between what was, essentially, still leg, and what no one could mistake for anything but the beginnings of her softly curving mound. It was obvious what he was going to do.

  And then he licked a long stripe over the entire length of her spread sex, and suddenly it wasn’t obvious anymore. Had she really predicted this? No, no, God, no one could have predicted this.

  She bucked on the bed, got great handfuls of the sheets. Tobias had moved away from her—to watch, she knew it was to watch—and she heard him laugh, though not cruelly. He just sounded high on whatever this was, breathless and too excited and full of excellent questions like, “How does she taste? I bet she’s sweet, huh?”

  But Sebastian didn’t answer. He just squeezed at that too-sensitive place between thigh and cunt, tongue curling deftly around her clit, slow and deliberate.

  He didn’t lap, the way she expected him to. He didn’t go at it in a rush, searching out every fold and curl of her sex. Instead, he mapped out the exact shape of her swollen bud in slow, careful increments, teasing until she simply had to find Tobe’s hand to cling to. If she didn’t, she was going to grab something more incriminating, like Sebastian’s hair. She was going to have to force him against her pussy and grind herself all over his face and it’d just be one more humiliating thing she had to look in the eye, later on.

  Like the feel of him pulling away a little, quite suddenly, to say, “So impatient.”

  As though he wasn’t a dirty fucking tease, getting her all worked up like this then licking with just the very tip of his tongue. It was so torturous and restrained that for a moment she felt sure she’d gotten it wrong again. The man between her legs was Tobias, and the one holding her hand was Sebastian.

  But then she felt the rough bumps of that graze Tobe had gotten on his left hand when he’d caught it on the pool’s edge, and he laughed, knowing what she was looking for. He even said to her, “Yeah, it’s me.”

  And as Sebastian stroked two impossibly long fingers over and around her plump outer lips, he added further information.

  “I guess we’re different in bed.”

  “A little harder to pin,” Tobias added, and then Sebastian finished the thought for him.

  “Not quite so obvious.”

  She could practically see them grinning at each other over their victory, though when Tobias next spoke his voice was soft and kind.

  “I like to go for it straightaway—I mean, you’re pretty close, right? So I’d just give it to you.”

  And Sebastian’s voice was… God, she didn’t even know what it was. He sounded all molten metal like usual but steelier with it, harder with it, as though all of this had set something inside him going.

  “Looks like he’s as impatient as you are, Bobs, whereas I…well…I like to draw it out. I bet you come so hard when you’ve been made to wait, am I right? I bet you could come with just my fingers on you like this, but it’d be real sweet and drawn out.”

  He was barely touching her clit, circling and circling around it but never giving her what she desperately needed. And then just as she thought she might go mad, he dipped those two fingers down and slid them in to the hilt.

  “Ohhh that’s…” Tobias started, but he didn’t finish.

  Sebastian did, instead.

  “Jesus Christ she’s so hot and wet and fuck it—you wanna come, baby? Huh? Is this what you want?”

  She squeezed Tobias’ hand. Luckily, he knew enough to pass the message on.

  “Yeah, yeah give it to her. Fuck her.”

  Sebastian was good enough to obey, those two thick fingers of his working in and out—slowly at first but then with more urgency. She wondered if he had any idea that she could come like this, just like this with his knuckles grazing over some interesting things on every stroke.

  But then he said, “Go on, taste her. Taste her.”

  To Tobias, and she had to guess not. Though really, “guessing things” wasn’t very high on her list of priorities, with Sebastian’s fingers thrusting into her cunt and Tobias’ mouth suddenly hot and eager on everything else.

  She wasn’t even sure how there was room for them both, but they managed it with seemingly little effort. Sebastian’s thrusts grew shallower and less nerve-jangling, and Tobias’ hot mouth and fast, wicked tongue took over, until she couldn’t help doing what she realized she’d promised herself she wouldn’t.

  She made sounds. Embarrassing, high, gasping sounds.

  “You are good at that. She is definitely going to come,” Sebastian said, because apparently bed was the one place where he didn’t feel like being a competitive maniac.
r />   He was right though, at least. Tobias had the flat of his tongue right over the best possible place it could be—on the firm underside of her clit—and Sebastian had somehow managed to curl his fingers just enough to get right up against that bundle of nerves inside her and God the two things combined…

  She’d never felt anything like it. It was all upside down and weirdly separate and she couldn’t stop that sensation cresting—the one full of fizzing, bright, surging pleasure. It swelled through her clit and outward in waves, through her lower belly and down past her thighs and Sebastian was saying, “Oh man, I can feel her doing it.”

  He didn’t need to declare it, however. She did it for him. She heard herself saying that she was coming, and she scrabbled for something to hold on to—Tobias’ back? His shoulder?—shortly before drifting away on waves of bliss she never wanted to come down from. Coming down only meant one thing, after all.

  Facing everything they’d just done.

  Chapter Three

  She expected them to do several things almost immediately. Most guys did, after they’d spent such a diligent amount of time going down on you. In fact, most guys demanded the rest of the stuff before any sort of going down had happened at all, so it seemed only fair right here and now. They’d just given her the most incredible orgasm of her life, after all—so incredible that she could hardly move and her entire body appeared to have curled up into the fetal position.

  Only when she reached for one of them did she hear Sebastian say, “No no, it’s cool, Bobbi.” And shortly afterward Tobias told her to just relax. As though they’d put her through a particularly arduous workout in the gym instead of what they’d actually done.

  Had some sort of sex. She’d just had some sort of sex with her two best friends. Her two best friends who also happened to be twin brothers, like some kind of weird, warped incest nightmare the likes of which almost never happened in reality.

  She felt pretty sure it didn’t. They’d never expressed any sort of desire to do something like this, at any rate. One time Sebastian had started going into too much detail about the girlfriend he’d had when she’d first met him…Chloe…something. And Tobias had shut him down pretty quickly with an, aw dude, gross. As though just hearing about his brother doing sex things was beyond the pale.

  And now they’d done sex things right in front of each other. To her. In Tobias’ bed. With hardly any clothes on. Hell—she had no clothes on at all. She’d never been more aware of her own nakedness, in truth, and especially now that the sex high was dying down and a chill was creeping up over her exposed flesh.

  Would it be all right to just pull some of the covers over herself? She could feel them ruffling underneath her body, but wasn’t quite sure how sliding underneath them would go across to her partners in crime. And then there was the blindfold, of course, which she still hadn’t worked up the nerve to pull off.

  What if she did it, and they were both dangling from the ceiling, dressed head to toe in S&M gear? They’d come this far, after all. Nothing about them had indicated they wanted to have mildly kinky sex with her, so who was to say they didn’t want more? Way, way more.

  God, she couldn’t stop thinking about the more. They had to be horny. And when one of them—Sebastian, she thought—suddenly curled against her back, she got some very obvious, very tactile proof of the fact. Apparently when Sebastian made you his little spoon, his erection found the cleft of your ass almost unnervingly.

  Though at the very least he seemed to still have his sweats on. She could feel them burring roughly against her far-too-sensitive skin, swiftly followed by the heavy ridge of his hard-on. It made her want to rip the damn blindfold off and just look at the evidence of what she’d done to him—or what the whole scenario had done to him, perhaps.

  The latter seemed more likely, she had to say. Maybe they’d even been thinking about this for some time—what it’d be like to watch someone wearing their own faces fuck some girl—and she’d just presented the perfect opportunity. She was safe, sweet, someone they could trust. She wasn’t about to go around telling everyone she’d just made it with the Hoffman twins.

  And even if she did, well… Everyone was saying it about them anyway. Nothing could get any weirder, in the court of public opinion. It could only get weirder between them, like right now with Sebastian up against her back and Tobias stroking through her hair and her too afraid to just take off the fucking blindfold.

  “You want something to eat, Bobs?” Tobias asked faintly after a while. And for one electric second she was sure he meant something else. The innuendo of eat, rather than the real, literal thing.

  And the worst of it was—her first instinct was to say yes. Yeah, sure, I’ll suck your cock! You just brought me the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced, it’s the least I can do! Their friendship had been weirdly battered to pieces over the course of the evening, and apparently she just wanted to batter it further.

  And not just out of a sense of obligation either. All she could think about was how horny they must be right now, how intensely, remarkably horny. Sebastian wasn’t moving—wasn’t even rocking against her—but she could absolutely feel how hard he was. And there was something about his restraint, something about them both being so casual and not making any further moves that just seemed to…

  She didn’t even know what it did. It made her think of rubbing back against him, hard. Or maybe reaching back to stroke him through his sweats to let him know that yeah, sure, this whole thing had kind of taken its toll on her psyche, but it was also utterly hypnotic and heat-stoked.

  She could feel her cunt clenching around nothing. She could feel every inch of her clit, still hard and swollen even after that monster orgasm. And stroking his cock—or maybe reaching forward to stroke Tobias’ cock—seemed like the best way to combat these issues.

  Or at least, it seemed like the best way to deal with the physical issues. The physical issues just wanted her to get her mouth on them, rip off their pants and suck their cocks all hard and sloppy, one after the other, whereas the mental issues…well.

  They made her answer suryeahkay to the question Sebastian then posed, which happened to be about pizza. Yeah. Maybe they should all get pizza. Pizza sounded great. Just like that—as casual and mundane as fuck—and then Tobias was off the bed and dialing Luigi’s, with comments about large cokes and fries and chocolate sundaes in between.

  By the time Sebastian had flicked on the TV across from the bed and started watching what sounded like Total Recall, she felt almost certain they’d gone bonkers. She had to push her blindfold up and off just to check neither of them had started crayoning on the walls or drooling.

  But no, no. When she maneuvered herself around in the circle of his arm and managed to get the scarf up and off, he was just half-leaning against the headboard, idly watching Arnold Schwarzenegger emerging from inside some old lady.

  And after a moment Tobias came back into the bedroom, just as bare-chested as his brother, just as obviously hard in the pants department, and flung himself down on the bed. Completely uncaring and without a single word to say about what they’d just done, apparently.

  “Pizza’s gonna be thirty minutes,” he said.

  She had to wonder if this was like a sport to them. Maybe that work-out gym thought hadn’t been so far from the truth. They just needed to burn off some energy, and obviously eating out your friend was the best way to go about it.

  “You cold, Bobbi?” Tobias asked, and that was pretty much the only acknowledgement he made of her nakedness.

  It was also how she ended up beneath the covers, face pressed against Tobias’ chest, Sebastian’s arm still loosely around her, sleep closing in by slowly creeping increments. Of course she meant to say something to them, she meant to ask them if everything was still cool, she meant to return the favor in a great blaze of horny heat just like the one they’d all seared right through ten minutes ago, but instead her eyelids grew heavier and heavier and she didn�
�t resist them.

  They could talk about it in the morning.

  * * * * *

  The thing was—they didn’t talk about it in the morning. When she woke up, both of them had am-scrayed. And they’d done it so stealthily her heart sank, because really what else did it mean besides oops, we accidentally fucked around with you and we just realized we usually only fuck around with total hotties.

  Of which you are not one.

  She turned over in Tobias’ massive bed and tried to recall things they’d said the night before. Hopefully positive, non-what-are-we-doing sorts of things. But all she could come up with was “you’re really soft” and “you’re so wet”, both of which made her blush and also feel sort of like a soggy marshmallow.

  Luckily, however, there was a Post-it Note on the pillow by her head to distract her. Probably a standard blow-off note from the hottie twins. She couldn’t remember a single person either of them had slept with during the entirety of their friendship and had no evidence that they did, indeed, blow off girls after hot one-night stands, but somehow the idea had usurped the real twins in her head and replaced them with misogynistic assholes.

  Misogynistic assholes who drew two smiley faces with love hearts for eyes and wrote underneath said illustration, Had to go get in some laps. Love you, Bobs.

  She wondered if other girls got the love you. Or maybe that was just reserved for girls they’d made some hideous mistake with, like a cute punch on the shoulder. Love ya, buddy! Here are some fun little illustrations for you, hooray!

  She put her face in her hands. And then after she’d finished putting her face in her hands—roughly two hours later—she crumpled the note up into a sweaty ball. As though if she could only get it small enough, the whole thing would simply cease to exist. She wouldn’t have to fathom it out. Nothing needed to have changed between them. She hadn’t turned into some sort of desperate über-slut overnight.